Two-part Article Series: Enacting Instructional Change in ELA and Lessons Learned (Dallas ISD/IFL Network for School Improvement)

Featured in Institute for Learning's newsletter, Bridges to Learning, this two-article series shared an overview of Dallas ISD and IFL's work with instructional change in ELA using continuous improvement and lessons learned. The first article summarizes IFL's partnership with Dallas ISD, describes how they used data to identify problems of practice, and shares information about their model and network member participation. The second article captures key lessons learned from the Dallas ISD/IFL Network for School Improvement. It includes insights into developing instructional coherence, promoting network member sharing, and reflections on the continuous improvement process.

Unlocking Potential: Youth Participatory Evaluation (Impact Florida)

Impact Florida's FREE online course, "Unlocking Potential: Building Youth Participatory Evaluation Teams in Schools", is available to all educators and school leaders who are interested in implementing a Youth Participatory Evaluation program at their school.

The 2-hour course introduces you to You+Lead's Seven Steps of Youth Participatory Evaluation and presents each step's milestones in more detail. At each step in the process, you will receive appropriate guidance, instructions, and resources to set up YPE in your school. In addition, the course provides a workbook and templates you can use to facilitate the implementation of the program accurately and effectively.

Learn more by going to the landing page or start the course using the buttons below!

Centering School Connectedness Article (The Grad Partnership)

In this article, readers will learn about the power of school connectedness in student outcomes, educator strategies and best practices, and the impact of the role of state boards of education in fostering connectedness.

Making Continuous Improvement Accessible: CI 201 Animated Video Series (Shift)

This video series covers a wide range of skills, from beginner to advanced topics in continuous improvement, along with accompanying templates. This resource is designed to assist leaders in enhancing their understanding, implementing, and disseminating improvement strategies within their organizations, thereby amplifying their organizational impact. The full video library with templates can be accessed below.

Student Voice Toolkit (Search Institute)

The Student Voice Toolkit provides information about student voice — what it is, what it looks like in practice, how to support it, and how to measure it. The Toolkit is designed to support school administrators and educators in learning about the enabling conditions needed for student voice work to take root and flourish, and it provides new insights and strategies for deepening and scaling student voice work within classrooms and schoolwide.

A Digital Guide to Improvement Science (New York City Public Schools)

This updated Digital Guide to Improvement Science, from NYCPS, includes detailed guidance and resources for the 5 phases of CI: analyzing, creating a theory, testing, measuring, and scaling. The Guide is great for individuals, teams, and sites new to Continuous Improvement and serves as a great refresher for those already familiar with CI concepts and implementation.

Change Idea Menu (Teaching Matters)

This change idea bank from Teaching Matters highlights classroom literacy practices that emphasize student identities.

Continuous Improvement Messaging Guide: A Tool for Talking About Continuous Improvement with Educators

This guide, developed by Mass Insight, is rooted in the findings from rigorous, multistage audience research that sought to understand the perceptions, sentiments, and motivations of school- and district-based educators on the topic of continuous improvement. It provides actionable considerations for CI networks when developing marketing materials and communicating with current and potential network members.

New to CI
9 resources

This collection is to help you introduce the concepts of continuous improvement to new network members.

CI & Equity
7 resources

As you continue to test out new ideas through CI, check out these resources to ensure equity is the core of every idea.

9th Grade On-Track
4 resources

The resources in this collection will help your team explore different approaches used by schools and districts with 9th grade on-track goals. You will be able to access protocols, research, tools, and exemplars that offer evidence-based approaches to improvement in this area.