
Student Voice Toolkit (Search Institute)

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The Student Voice to Student Outcomes study–funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation–was launched in 2021 in collaboration with the following partners: Search Institute, Dr. Dana Mitra and Ghadir Al Saghir of Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Samantha Holquist of Child Trends, Dr. Jerusha Conner of Villanova University, and school and district partners, including students, educators, and district staff.

The Student Voice Toolkit provides information about student voice — what it is, what it looks like in practice, how to support it, and how to measure it. The Toolkit is designed to support school administrators and educators in learning about the enabling conditions needed for student voice work to take root and flourish, and it provides new insights and strategies for deepening and scaling student voice work within classrooms and schoolwide. 

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